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Sports and games

Playing sports is not just fun, but also a great way to learn to work together and stay healthy. On COLT’s premises there is a sports field where children can freely play sports and hang out. As our centre is situated in an undeveloped area, it is the only place in the neighbourhood where children can safely come together to play. Supervised by local staff and volunteers, 30 to 60 children use our sports field daily. The older children in our care have a special role and teach the younger kids from the community. This exposes them to a sense of responsibility, while setting an example for younger kids.

Football is popular

Football is the number one sports for boys and girls alike. All this enthusiasm has led to the creation of various football teams. Our partner Indochina Starfish Foundation organizes training twice a week for all the children in our community. On Sunday COLT takes part with three different community teams in the AFA-ISF Youth League. In addition, Cambodia’s number one football club Phomh Penh Crown FC regularly organizes girl-only competitions and tournaments.


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IBAN: NL81RABO 0120 0249 42


RSIN nummer 815489894

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