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Social Work

Being a center point in the community, COLT provides families with several forms of social work. We know that we have a pivotal role in the area and hereby we’re constantly in touch with both families, parents and their children. 


First of all, our devoted social workers are playing an important role by planning family visits and counseling. Because we welcome a lot of kids at our school, we are able to track what’s going on in the community and where help is needed. Think about the integration of children with their families, finding solutions to stop violence or avoiding the addiction to gambling. In the end it all comes down to home-based care and community care, while we of course also do lots of work within the gates of our center.


In line with the issues that we face, we also give workshops and training related to various topics: family plans, gambling, drug and alcohol addictions, abuse, environmental sustainability, hygiene and finances.


Especially during COVID-19, we have been able to hand out important materials in the community, such as hygiene packages, face masks, information about restrictions and educational materials regarding washing hands etc.


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Bank account: 1200.24.942

IBAN: NL81RABO 0120 0249 42


RSIN nummer 815489894

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