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Our partners

COLT firmly believes in the power of collaboration and shared knowledge. To realize our goals and mission, we work together with local and international partners. COLT is a member of various networks in Cambodia. This is informative, gives opportunities to help each other and contributes to  a continuous improvement of our care for children and families.

We help each other!

Family Care First

Family Care First, part of Save the Children, is a network of organizations joining hands to help children grow up in a safe environment, together with their families. The organization strives to reintegrate children that live unnecessarily in childcare centres.

NGO-CRC - rights of the child

NGO-CRC is committed to the protection of the rights of children in Cambodia. This national network connects many NGOs and facilitates collaboration. NGO-CRC also organizes activities, training courses and workshops for employees and children.

M'lup Russey - Ministry of Social Affairs

M'lup Russey operates at national level and is supervised by the Ministry of Social Affairs. In addition to training and workshops on new regulations for NGOs, this organization also provides support regarding reintegration of children and community assistance. They also provide adequate advice on social problems and serve as a source of information. COLT’s employees actively participate in all activities in order to maintain and increase their knowledge.

Sreyka Smile Association - day care

Sreyka Smile is our partner in the day care and supports children in Cambodia through various organizations. Sreyka Smile has financed the construction of the day care, while COLT carries out the daily activities. The chairman of Sreyka Smile, Ms. Stella Désirée Bosch is also a board member of COLT's local board in Cambodia. More information?

Chibodia - medical clinic

Chibodia is a German NGO that cooperates with COLT, managing the medical clinic on the premises of our community centre. The medical team of Chibodia, consisting of two Cambodian doctors and interns, runs the clinic for a number of days per week. The clinic offers free medical care to the poorest families around the centre. More information?

Domray foundation - student house

The Dutch Domray foundation was founded by Emmy Cohen and established the Mid Way House (MWH) in Phnom Penh. This is a student house for young adults that grew up in a shelter. Students from COLT have been accommodated here since 2013. During their studies, the students work part-time to support themselves and gain independence. Apart from creating the MWH the Domray foundation also supports the NGO New Future for Children in Cambodia (NFC).More information?

KIDS international - dental action

Kids International Dental Services is an American non-profit organization that offers oral care to children in various developing countries. KIDS has been working with COLT since 2008 and comes to Cambodia every year for two weeks. In addition to COLT, the organization visits several NGOs in various regions to help children with their teeth. More information?

Windesheim university

Each year, Windesheim University sends students enrolled in the minor International Sustainable Development to COLT. In Cambodia, the students teach, provide pedagogical and psychosocial advice and support our social workers in dealing with, and prevention of, current social issues.

Indochina Starfish Foundation (ISF) - football competition

The football activities on COLT’s football pitch are organized by Indochina Starfish Foundation. ISF provides football training twice per week to children from our community. COLT participates every Sunday with three community teams in the AFA - ISF Youth League football competition. More information?


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