Announcement - The Final Bow: COLT's Unwavering Commitment to a Brighter Tomorrow
​In reflection of the transformative journey that COLT has undertaken, we find ourselves at a significant crossroad. The landscape around COLT, both in Phnom Penh and within our organization, has shifted in profound ways. Therefore, we have made an important decision that we would like to share with you.
News: COLT is part of Family Power
Recently we joined forces through a new organization called Family Power.
Together with nine other Dutch organizations and their international partners,
e try to achieve common goals by sharing knowledge about family care and
creating a voice for vulnerable children.
Together with Family Power and the support of Wilde Ganzen, we were able to
develop two videos in which families are central. The first is about Phally and Phalla who are part of our Home-Based care program, and the second is about preschool. Both videos show an alternative care method in which children do not grow up in the shelter, but with their own family.

COLT supports poor families in Phnom Penh by providing opportunities to develop themselves. In our community centre both children and their families get education as well as medical and social care. Additionally, there is a strong focus on sports activities and understanding of our environment. Finally, COLT also provides temporary and long-term care for children, that can’t live at home. In these cases COLT strives to restore the family situation, with the ultimate goal to reintegrate children as smooth and quick as possible.
In the video below Shelter Manager Piseth informs you about his activities in COLT’s community centre and his vision for development work in Cambodia. The video is produced by Family Care First, a close partner of COLT.
COLT is extremely grateful for the continuous support, trust and confidence from our sponsors and numerous volunteers. Thanks to them we can make a difference for the families that need it most. Will you join us?
COLT depends on subsidy and donations. In order to realize our goals and provide disadvantaged families in Cambodia opportunities to improve their future, we need your help. What can you do? Read more
Take action and organise a sponsor run, Christmas market, benefit concert or any other event with COLT as beneficiary. Through the years volunteers have shown their creativity and determination in organizing events that allowed us to continue this work. Read more