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COLT is looking for members of the Club of 100!

COLT is recruiting members for the Club of 100 that are willing to donate an monthly amount of €10 (or more) to our organization. The entire amount of your donation will benefit the development of underprivileged children and their families. Your contribution provides children in Cambodia a brighter future! Will you join us? You can become a member by yourself, but also with your family, friends, sports club, class, company or colleagues, co-students or neighbours, or, in short, everyone!

Organize a fundraiser

There are many fun ways to raise €120 a year. You can simply contribute an equal amount with your friends or family, but it’s much more fun to organize a fundraiser. We’ll get you started with a few ideas:

  • Organize a sponsor-run

  • Collect recyclables with deposits (like bottles or cans) in your neighbourhood

  • Sell second hand stuff through a garage sale or on a flea market

  • Do some chores like gardening or cleaning for a small donation

  • Bake muffins or cookies and sell them at your job, school or church

  • Follow us on Facebook and get inspired by other members!

What do you get in return?

We like to appreciate our members by including them on our Wall of Growth in the community centre in Cambodia. In addition, we give your team or company the opportunity to register on our website (see below), on social media and/or in the newsletter. During the registration process you will be asked for your preferences.


Members of Club of 100

Logo Roedelpension Loenen Contour.png
Club van 100 - Praktijk Verliesbegeleidi
Club van 100 - BSO Zorgmanege de Vrijbui
Club van 100 - VariJanTdeBoer spandoek.j
Club van 100 - Pizzeria Italia.jpg
Club van  100 - VerbreeIndustrialSupport
Ekodis 7.2.jpg
Lid Club van 100 - Komma073


  • Would you like to receive our newsletter? Leave your email address below.

Thank you for your registration

Follow us on Facebook

Click the "Donate" button to donate online. This donation is made via PayPal. After the donation has been submitted, you will automatically be redirected to the COLT website.

Bank account: 1200.24.942

IBAN: NL81RABO 0120 0249 42


RSIN nummer 815489894

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