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Our activities 

COLT community centre in Dangkor, a suburb outside Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh,  supports underprivileged families through a range of activities. Children and their families from the surrounding community can follow free education, join sports activities and are provided with various professional social care facilities. Keep reading to learn more about how we support our community!


COLT offers daily additional schooling. Apart from traditional topics like English and Khmer, children are also being educated in IT, music, crafts and sports. Through close collaboration with a school nearby COLT tries to respond to learning difficulties and developmental issues through remedial teaching and guidance. Read more

In case of emergency, COLT provides temporary refuge in crisis situations, as well as as long-term shelter for more complex situations. Apart from a safe place, the children are provided healthy food, education and are taught the importance of hygiene and health. In every situation a family plan is created to facilitate a secure reintegration. Read more

COLT provides day care for children between 18 months and 6 years old that come from the poorest families in the area. This allows the parents to work during the day and improve their livelihood, while the children stay in a happy, safe and stimulating environment. Read more

With dedicated art and music rooms as well as spacious sports facilities COLT can provide a varied curriculum to our community. Apart from the regular program, we also organise sports events for all ages. Read more


The doctors in the medical centre work closely together with COLT’s social workers. Apart from providing medical treatments we also try to identify family issues as early as possible and look for solutions together with the involved family. Read more


As a focal point in the community, COLT offers family social work in various forms. We know that we play a central role in the region and are in constant contact with families, parents and their children. Read more


When the children in our long-term care turn 18, they generally have to leave the centre. Most of them move to the Mid-Way House, which facilitates an important step towards independence through the provision of assisted-living for youth coming from shelters. Read more



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Bank account: 1200.24.942

IBAN: NL81RABO 0120 0249 42


RSIN nummer 815489894

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